movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Then I guess I'm the Chicago Bears of this league. :)

    Here goes nothing . . .

    In the movie "Catch 22", what was the specific Catch 22?
    Catfish likes this.
  2. Catfish Guest

    i liked the first national treasure. the second one started well with gates being tied to john wilkes booth but then the second subplot of the lost city of gold etc that stunk!

    and there's no H in Jon Voight. haha
  3. Catfish Guest

    i liked the first national treasure. the second one started well with gates being tied to john wilkes booth but then the second subplot of the lost city of gold etc that stunk!

    and there's no H in Jon Voight. haha
    something like he wants to be declared mentally insane so he can stop flying WWII bombing missions or something like that...
  4. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Keep going . . .
  5. Catfish Guest

    ^^ that's all i got...i thought that was enough...haha
  6. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    To request leave due to insanity showed you were sane thus you could never be given leave.
    Catfish likes this.
  7. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes


    You were oh so close but missed the SPECIFIC catch 22. What you described was more like Max Klinger.

    Joe finished it up for ya. The specific catch 22 was; if you were sane enough to not want to fly, you weren't crazy enough to be sent home so you had to stay and fly.
    Catfish likes this.
  8. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    I'll throw one out in the meantime...

    In The Running Man, what were the names of the previous "winners" of the game?
  9. Catfish Guest

    ^^ i got bubkis on the running man one...
  10. Catfish Guest

    HELP!!! :sos:
  11. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    "Our previous winners...Whitman! Price! And Haddad! You remember them!"

    (or not lol)
  12. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Here's a meatball for the rasslin fan...

    What two former professional wrestlers appeared in The Running Man as stalkers*?

    * one was retired
  13. Catfish Guest

    ^ all i got is the ex gov jesse the body ventura!
  14. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Aw man I thought that was gonna be a layup for you...Subzero was played by Mr. Fuji's former tag team partner, Professor Tanaka!
  15. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    A couple more Running Man softballs...

    What pro football star played one of the stalkers?

    What two musicians played the leaders of the resistance?

    Where was Ben trying to flee to with Amber's travel credentials?
  16. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Crap. Here I thought it was Bobo Brazil and Dick the Bruiser.
    Catfish likes this.
  17. Catfish Guest

    Mr. Fuji's WWE tag-team partner was Mr. Sieto !
  18. Catfish Guest

    the 1 musician was mick fleetwood of fleetwood mac.
  19. Catfish Guest

    and i think the other was dweezel zappa ?
  20. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    This was before Mr. Saito and before WWF.

    Mick Fleetwood and Dweezil Zappa are correct.
    Catfish likes this.

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